Solo Linear Queuing With Solo Linea, the process is managed and fair so that customers are more willing to wait. Simply put, they know it’s just a matter of time before being served. Using the audio and visual prompts, you can serve more customers with less resource. This is good for customers – and more cost effective for you. 
FEATURES: Four prompts for clear direction. Solo Linea can provide four customer prompts — voice announcements, main display counter number, flashing counter display and main display arrows. All to minimise hesitation time and walk time. - Call forward efficiency. Calling customers forward with Solo Linea gives clarity to the process — and gives you back service time.
- Reduces hesitation. With Choral voice prompt, customers know they are going to the right place to be served, reducing hesitation and time. It also lets customers with hearing or visual impairments get fast and fair service.
- Easy to install and deploy. Solo Linea is easy to install and deploy in your existing service environment, and staff will find it quick and easy to adopt. No PC required.
- Digital signage. You can run your own slide show with Solo Linea and with our Cinematic player you can run video too.
Self Service Kiosks Take a lead in customer experience! Manage your first physical customer touch point with self service kiosks from Qmatic. Empower your customers with tools that allow them to choose between services, check-in for appointments, find the way or simply to take a ticket to a queue. - Purpose-built for environments with extensive usage. A Qmatic self service kiosk is designed to do its job for you – for a long period of time.
- A unique selection of touch screens or screens with buttons.
- Choose or combine the kiosks that suit your operations and premises, the coherent design allows for having a mix of kiosks, all working together.
- By adding different types of readers (card/barcode/QR code) you can add even more value to your service.
- All our kiosks have a low power consumption to support the environmental thinking as well as keeping your costs down.
- All kiosks use Linux, a stable, quick and safe operating system.
- All kiosks are designed by Qmatic and manufactured in our own factory with one purpose in mind, providing the best self service kiosks possible.
Qmatic Intro 17 Self Service Kiosk The largest self service kiosk in our range. 
All the intelligence you need to give great service in one device. This makes things simple and reduces your technical worries and cost. - Size and flexibility to suit any type of service or information you would like to provide.
- A capacitive 17 inch touch screen meaning that hardly any pressure is needed. And the angle of the screen makes it visible in a wide range of environments.
- Fully flexible to work with any Qmatic system, meaning that upgrades to new systems can be made without any investment loss.
- If you have a Qmatic Solo solution all system information is stored at the plugin “MyQmatic” plug-in. Should you ever need to replace a device, all your settings can be quickly retrieved.
- Timeless classical design, manufactured in aluminum and glass.
Qmatic Intro 8 Self Service kiosk Flexibility in a convenient size 
- When a larger kiosk is not needed or would not fit your premises.
- An 8 inch high capacitive touch screen with a completely new modern design and technology. Providing the same feeling as with smart phones.
- Low power consumption (if 1000 tickets are printed per 24 hours, then it is in idle mode 23 hours and 44 minutes).
- High flexibility in number services and languages that can be displayed.
- Key lock.
- Standalone (in a Qmatic Solo system) or as a client in a larger system (like Qmatic Orchestra).
- Depending on your premises and preferences it can be installed on tables, walls or pedestals.
Qmatic Intro 5 Self Service Kiosks Simplicity in a convenient size 
- Ideal when you prefer to display a limited numbers of service choices or information.
- When a larger kiosk is not needed or would not fit your premises.
- Low power consumption (if 1000 tickets are printed per 24 hours, then it is in idle mode 23 hours and 44 minutes).
- Back light buttons which means that they are easy to see.
- Efficient way of exchanging service names attached to the buttons.
- Key lock.
- Standalone (in a Qmatic Solo system) or as a client in a larger system (like Qmatic Orchestra).
- Depending on your premises and preferences it can be installed on tables, walls or pedestals.